The Office of Missions and Discipleship, within the Secretariat of Life, Charity and Justice, works to cultivate a greater understanding of our mission identity that comes from our baptism. Together we seek to establish dialogue and be of assistance to our diocesan departments, parishes, clergy, the laity and schools to promote mission awareness, stimulate mission education endeavors, cultivate mission spirituality, and nurture missionary activity.
This work is achieved primarily through the works of:
The Mission Council of the Diocese of Austin supports and promotes the missionary efforts of the diocese. The Advisory Council collaborates with and participates in the activities of the Texas Mission Council. The Advisory Council provides a forum for its members in the sharing of experiences and ideas in mission activity. The Diocesan Mission Advisory Council is made up of community members and pastoral staff.
The Mission Advisory Council supports the Austin Diocese by:
Accepting and reviewing applications for Ashes to Easter and the Missionary Cooperative Plan
Holding quarterly meetings to assess the growth and activity of Missions in the Diocese of Austin
Developing guidelines for mission groups that include a formation process, an immersion experience and a re-entry process
Ensuring that missioners are in union with our local bishop, the diocesan bishop, and the local church, in which they have been sent to serve.
Praying and promoting prayer for the missions, missionaries and missionary vocations to help strengthen mission awareness throughout our Diocese